Wikileaks, social media, military collaboration, respect of human rights... my thoughts on the role of the USA in the Tunisian revolution.
الإيقاف التحفظي والايداع بالسجن قبل إصدار الحكم يجب ان يكون الاستثناء وليس القاعدة. هذا الإجراء المعمم بالمحاكم التونسية هو سبب اكتظاظ السجون(50%من السجناء هم مواطنين موقوفين ولا يوجد حكم ضدهم) وثابت علميا انه يؤثر على مجرى العدالة بشكل كبير ويؤثر سلبا على الأحكام فنادرا ما يحكم الموقوف بالبراءة او بمدة اقصر من التي قضاها تحفظيا . هذه الممارسات تسبب كوارث اجتماعية واقتصادية و تجعل المواطن يحقد على المنظومة القضائية و يحس بالظلم و القهر Pour s'approfondir dans le sujet: Lire L'etude du Labo démocratique intitulée : "Arrestation, garde à vue, et détention préventive: Analyse du cadre juridique tunisien au regard des Lignes directrices Luanda"
Many foreign political analysts published some respectful reports showing a possible foreign strategies catalyzing the revolution.
Some mysterious points are still not clear :
- Why these old regime militias are still active ?
is this a revenge ? a disorder plan?
- Military forces where peace friendly and fighted from citizen's side :)
They didn't told us anything more about military plan.
- Ben Ali reactions were really stupid and pitiful ! Can you make such stupid mistake to keep your government ?
USA and many EU supported the Tunisian revolution and are still waiting for a real democracy.
Don't care about travel security warning they are
They still trust our tunisian diplomatic portfolio ;)
Every one is concerned by the tunisian revolution :)
- Mohamed Bouazizi sparked the revolution
- Foreign Media made the pression
- Social Media ! the Big Buzz on Twitter, Facebook...
- Wikileaks, Anonymous... ;)
- local reporters showed riots in Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine and Thala
- Local media showed a real political crisis where the president played the pitiful role for the first time.
- series of riots moving to the capital.
Military played the USA role in the cold war !
We hope they will keep their neutral political position :)