Je vous invite a lire ce temoignage a propos de Waleed de la part d'un de ses camarades :
Assalamu alaikum everyone,
I would like to share with you some additional information that I received from a colleague in the CEE Dept. This colleague of mine is the supervisor of a graduate student who was with Waleed in the class and survived the massacre. I should mention that the description is graphical so I apologize in advance.
The student mentions that Waleed saved his life and wants to convey this to Waleed's family. Apparently, the murderer came into Norris 206 and shot Dr. Loganathan and a number of students injuring Waleed. Waleed was sitting in the front row where he always sat. Everyone jumped to the floor after hearing the gun shots including the person narrating the story. The murderer then left Norris 206 to go to another classroom. The student that narrates the story was not shot but pretended to be dead and lay on the ground beside Waleed who at that time was only injured. The muderer then re-entered the classroom and was checking for alive victims. He had approached the person narrating the story who mentions that his heart was pounding out of fear. Waleed at that instant made a movement to distract the murderer's attention and was shot for the second time. At that time Waleed died and the murderer left the narrator to search for other victims. Ina Lillahi wa ina Ilayhi rajeoon. We ask Allah to forgive Waleed all his sins and grant him paradise.
Waleed avait 32 ans. Il poursuivait ses etudes en vue de l'obtention d'un PhD en Civil Engineering. Il etait marié et père d'un enfant.
Reema avait 18 ans. Elle etait en premiere année
Chaque victime était une jeune âme, un être vivant comme vous et moi, des rêves, des projets, des ambitions, un avenir, et plein de gens qui l'aiment... Ces jeunes sont morts gratuitement... sans raison... pour rien... pour aucune cause...
Waleed était marié et a un garçon de 1 an et 5mois, il se préparait a finaliser son doctorat début mai, et son père a réservé pour lui un billet d'avion pour le caire le 13 août sur lufthanza... Il devait ramener sa femme et son fils aux states... Un garçon très poli et respectueux qu'une balle haineuse a emporté a jamais,...
Mais pourquoi à la fin ??????? Quelle justice en ça??? Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer?? ou suggérer quoi faire pour que sa mort serve a quelques chose ?
Clarify your point (if you have one)