John Gage is Chief Researcher and Vice President of the Science Office for Sun Microsystems, an international information technology company based in California. He was one of the founders of Sun, in 1982, when a group of students and professors from Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley joined to create open systems in hardware and software.
He has served on the Boards of Trustees of the United States National Library of Medicine, FermiLabs, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, NetDay, Schools OnLine, United States National Research Council, the Internet Society (ISOC) and other scientific and educational groups.
He serves on the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security, the Board of Advisors of the United States Institute of Peace, the National Academy of Sciences, and the International Advisory Board of the Malaysian Multimedia Corridor.
He attended the University of California, Berkeley, Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
He has served on the Boards of Trustees of the United States National Library of Medicine, FermiLabs, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, NetDay, Schools OnLine, United States National Research Council, the Internet Society (ISOC) and other scientific and educational groups.
He serves on the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security, the Board of Advisors of the United States Institute of Peace, the National Academy of Sciences, and the International Advisory Board of the Malaysian Multimedia Corridor.
He attended the University of California, Berkeley, Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
je trouve avec tout le respect que je te doit que le contenu de ton blog commence à devenir un tantinet gonflant... c'est peut etre à cause de ton installation aux states?
un peu de terre à terre nous ferait du bien au lieu de nous bassiner avec berkley standford et compagnie...
yezzi me shoot aich oueldi khalik oueld baballah qima naarfouk
je suis, ça fait un bon moment, tes posts et j'ai également constaté que le contenu de ton blog n'est plus le même...
peut être c'est ton déménagement aux USA ou la superbe ambiance de la vie américaine qui en est la cause mais brabbi ne tardes pas à avoir un petit recul par rapport à ce que tu écris .
bonne chance !
par la même occasion je t'invite à jeter un coup d'oeil sur le blog que je viens "d'inaugurer" .
Je compte sur toi pour me filer qques conseils qui me seront utiles dans le monde de la blogsphère !