Est ce que qlq un pourrait m'envoyer cet article ! merci d'avance !
Nekba’ or boon: When the 1948 Arab–Israeli war unveils the unsaid in Tunisia
Mohsen Hamli : IPSI, University of Manouba, Tunisia
The Journal of North African Studies
Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
Volume 10, Number 1 / March 2005
61 - 76
This article contends that just as the 1948 Arab–Israeli War shook Judaism in Tunisia and pushed to the forefront a 40-year-old fierce disagreement among the Tunisian Jews, it exposed, in an unprecedented manner, the Tunisian Muslims' mixed reactions to the Palestinian conflict and lifted the lid over an unceasing discord between the secular, Western-educated and the religious, Zitouna mosque-educated, Tunisians. A survey of a selection of editorials from Muslim papers having different ideological orientations – assimilationist, reformist, Islamist, neutral, communist, nationalist – demonstrates that reactions ranged from backing Arab troops ‘invading’ Palestine to condemnation of Western apathy to ‘prudent’ reticence to complete silence or indifference.
Nekba’ or boon: When the 1948 Arab–Israeli war unveils the unsaid in Tunisia
Mohsen Hamli : IPSI, University of Manouba, Tunisia
The Journal of North African Studies
Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
Volume 10, Number 1 / March 2005
61 - 76
This article contends that just as the 1948 Arab–Israeli War shook Judaism in Tunisia and pushed to the forefront a 40-year-old fierce disagreement among the Tunisian Jews, it exposed, in an unprecedented manner, the Tunisian Muslims' mixed reactions to the Palestinian conflict and lifted the lid over an unceasing discord between the secular, Western-educated and the religious, Zitouna mosque-educated, Tunisians. A survey of a selection of editorials from Muslim papers having different ideological orientations – assimilationist, reformist, Islamist, neutral, communist, nationalist – demonstrates that reactions ranged from backing Arab troops ‘invading’ Palestine to condemnation of Western apathy to ‘prudent’ reticence to complete silence or indifference.
parce que d'apres ce que j'ai vu ca n'affecte pas les tunisiens autant que par example les libanais qui eux subissent les repercussions tous les jours .
Nous sommes jeunes et tolerents!
la question que je me pose - au-delà de zizou, de ses idées et de sa démarche : pourquoi nous, arabes, musulmans, tunisiens... classons systématiquement les esprits curieux, vifs et qui ont tendance à remettre en question les idées dans la catégorie si méprisante et méprisée de "Bête de foire" qui au mieux amuse, au pire inspire le dégoût ? pourquoi, au lieu de cette attitude bête et méchante, synonyme d'ignorance, nous ne querellons pas, contredisons pas, confrontons pas zizou sur le seul terrain qui compte, le terrain qui nous aidera à COMPRENDRE pour AVANCER, celui des idées ?
ancien combattant.
Anonymous: Ou barra Zizou juif, famma mochkla !?
Bravo ancien combattant, c'est ce qui fallait etre dit!
la question juive hante l'europe , coupable des génocides, et l'amerique coupable de plein d'injustices