Petite ville tranquille, Tunis accueille cette semaine le plus grand evenement de son histoire : Le sommet mondial sur la societe de l'information: SMSI ou WSIS A evenement exceptionnel mesures exceptionnelles :Des milliers de visiteurs, aeroports et hotel a plein regime, routes fermés, fermetures d'ecoles, d'universités, embellissement, propreté....
Les jeunes du monde se rassemblent aussi a Tunis dans le cadre des evenement paralleles, Ce blog raconte un peu leurs aventures : Vistez le et vous saurez ce que ces jeunes pensent de leurs sejour :
ces jeunes se regroupent sous le nom du Youth Caucus (YC) voici un petit apercu sur les activités qu'il pensent realiser ( ceci etait un programme preliminaire) :
1. National youth campaigns : Going Global
Date: November 16th , 9am – 11am (La Goulette)
An highlighting the results of National Information Society Youth Campaigns during Phase 2, many of which focused on engaging rural young people. Five coordinators of national campaigns will speak about their work, describing key achievements, lessons learnt, and recommendations for similar youth engagement in policy at the local level.
Audience: 30 – 50 (room can seat a hundred)
Moderators: Overall Youth Campaign Coordinators (Robert Sagun and Nick Moraitis)
2. WSIS Follow up : Beyond Tunis as Youth
Date: November 16, 11am – 1pm (La Goulette)
This is an event organized jointly by the Youth Caucus and the ITU Youth Unit. Presenters will include NYC campaign coordinators, ITU youth forum leaders and speakers Prof. Adama Samassekou, Anna Lindh Foundation and an ITU representative. The focus of this event is to build further on the NYC – what is to be done beyond Tunis – do National Campaigns have the grit to continue or do we need to discard and restart? Speakers and partners tot his events will have committed and demonstrated a willingness to support continued action in the area of ICTS and Education.
Audience: 30 – 50 (room can seat a hundred)
Moderators: To be confirmed
3. Young social entrepreneurs and the use of ICTs (GKP Main Panel)
Thursday November 17th 12:00 - 13.30, Session B
"Kairouan" Room in ACCREDITED PREMISES (Theatre style room)
This is a panel discussion organized by the Youth Cluster of the Global Knowledge Partnership. A dynamic panel of young social entrepreneurs will share stories about their enterprise and discuss the role of ICT in fostering innovation and collaboration. Panelists will be selected based on ensuring an overall diverse range of models and experiences and will be invited to share challenges, insights and best practices. Participants will also engage in a dialogue about broader social development opportunities.
Audience: 30-40
Moderators: Youth Cluster Members part of Coordination team for Awards Program
Panelists: Youth and ICT Award Winners
4. Strategies for Empowering Youth in the Information Society
Friday November 18th - 12:00 - 13.30, Session B
Expo Room 8 in ICT 4 ALL EXHIBITION PREMISES (Workshop style room)
Representatives from various organizations with good case studies including session partners and other GKP youth cluster members. In the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, 175 countries adopted a Declaration that speaks to the importance of young people. This session will provide an opportunity to have a dialogue around how this statement translates into action. Best practices will be discussed and shared. All stakeholders are invited to participate in this process of discussion about what works and what needs to be done in order to further empower youth in the information society.
Speakers include: Melody Mohebi, Science and Arts Foundation; Titi Akinsanmi, SchoolNet Africa; Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal; Njideka Ugwuegbu Harry, Youth for Technology Foundation; and Christopher Robin, YATV
5.Reach out - British Council initiative linked to WSIS
Reach out is a British Council initiative linked to the United Nation's World Summit on the Information Society. Its aim is to connect young people and encourage debate on culturally important issues. You can at:
The YC will have a Youth Pavilion which will be a central physical meeting and exhibition point for young people at the WSIS Summit in Tunis. It is a 73m2 space within a larger exhibit hall called "ICT4ALL". A similar Youth space was also organized at the Geneva Summit in December 2003.
Elements of the pavilion will include:
· A lounge area, where young people can hold ad-hoc meetings, with each other, and with other delegates such as their national government representatives.
· An exhibition area, with panel presentations highlighting Youth Caucus activities such as the national campaigns, as well as partners of the Caucus.
o Global Teenager Project
o TakingITGlobal
o The World Summit Awards
o Anna Lindh Foundation
o The Education Development Centre
· A presentation area, with a projector and seating, where various members of the Caucus will organize small events and presentations.
· A computer area, with four computers which can be used to showcase different projects, and good examples of youth-created e-content.
· A mural, created by a young Tunisian artist, adding vibrancy and color to the space
· An art gallery, presenting an exhibit entitled ‘Creative Change’ submitted by young people around the Millennium Development Goals.
· Video Projections of partners activities (SchoolNet Africa, Global Teenager Project, WSYA and National Youth Campaigns from Phase 1)
Several small activities and events will be held in the Youth Hub. Currently, the list includes:
· SchoolNet Africa/IICD reception to officially open and welcome people to the Youth in the Information Society space
· Anna Lindh sponsored brainstorming event on engaging EUROMED youth in the Information society and ICT4D sector
· EDC sponsored event on ‘Power users’ of Technology
· IICD sponsored event on the Global Teenager Project of SchoolNet Africa
· TakingITGlobal sponsored event on ‘Youth, MDGS and ICTs’
· TakingITGlobal/Microsoft sponsored event on Youth and Online Safety and Security
· TakingITGlobal and WSYA hosted reception to celebrate Youth Award winners
Les jeunes du monde se rassemblent aussi a Tunis dans le cadre des evenement paralleles, Ce blog raconte un peu leurs aventures : Vistez le et vous saurez ce que ces jeunes pensent de leurs sejour :
ces jeunes se regroupent sous le nom du Youth Caucus (YC) voici un petit apercu sur les activités qu'il pensent realiser ( ceci etait un programme preliminaire) :
1. National youth campaigns : Going Global
Date: November 16th , 9am – 11am (La Goulette)
An highlighting the results of National Information Society Youth Campaigns during Phase 2, many of which focused on engaging rural young people. Five coordinators of national campaigns will speak about their work, describing key achievements, lessons learnt, and recommendations for similar youth engagement in policy at the local level.
Audience: 30 – 50 (room can seat a hundred)
Moderators: Overall Youth Campaign Coordinators (Robert Sagun and Nick Moraitis)
2. WSIS Follow up : Beyond Tunis as Youth
Date: November 16, 11am – 1pm (La Goulette)
This is an event organized jointly by the Youth Caucus and the ITU Youth Unit. Presenters will include NYC campaign coordinators, ITU youth forum leaders and speakers Prof. Adama Samassekou, Anna Lindh Foundation and an ITU representative. The focus of this event is to build further on the NYC – what is to be done beyond Tunis – do National Campaigns have the grit to continue or do we need to discard and restart? Speakers and partners tot his events will have committed and demonstrated a willingness to support continued action in the area of ICTS and Education.
Audience: 30 – 50 (room can seat a hundred)
Moderators: To be confirmed
3. Young social entrepreneurs and the use of ICTs (GKP Main Panel)
Thursday November 17th 12:00 - 13.30, Session B
"Kairouan" Room in ACCREDITED PREMISES (Theatre style room)
This is a panel discussion organized by the Youth Cluster of the Global Knowledge Partnership. A dynamic panel of young social entrepreneurs will share stories about their enterprise and discuss the role of ICT in fostering innovation and collaboration. Panelists will be selected based on ensuring an overall diverse range of models and experiences and will be invited to share challenges, insights and best practices. Participants will also engage in a dialogue about broader social development opportunities.
Audience: 30-40
Moderators: Youth Cluster Members part of Coordination team for Awards Program
Panelists: Youth and ICT Award Winners
4. Strategies for Empowering Youth in the Information Society
Friday November 18th - 12:00 - 13.30, Session B
Expo Room 8 in ICT 4 ALL EXHIBITION PREMISES (Workshop style room)
Representatives from various organizations with good case studies including session partners and other GKP youth cluster members. In the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, 175 countries adopted a Declaration that speaks to the importance of young people. This session will provide an opportunity to have a dialogue around how this statement translates into action. Best practices will be discussed and shared. All stakeholders are invited to participate in this process of discussion about what works and what needs to be done in order to further empower youth in the information society.
Speakers include: Melody Mohebi, Science and Arts Foundation; Titi Akinsanmi, SchoolNet Africa; Michael Furdyk, TakingITGlobal; Njideka Ugwuegbu Harry, Youth for Technology Foundation; and Christopher Robin, YATV
5.Reach out - British Council initiative linked to WSIS
Reach out is a British Council initiative linked to the United Nation's World Summit on the Information Society. Its aim is to connect young people and encourage debate on culturally important issues. You can at:
The YC will have a Youth Pavilion which will be a central physical meeting and exhibition point for young people at the WSIS Summit in Tunis. It is a 73m2 space within a larger exhibit hall called "ICT4ALL". A similar Youth space was also organized at the Geneva Summit in December 2003.
Elements of the pavilion will include:
· A lounge area, where young people can hold ad-hoc meetings, with each other, and with other delegates such as their national government representatives.
· An exhibition area, with panel presentations highlighting Youth Caucus activities such as the national campaigns, as well as partners of the Caucus.
o Global Teenager Project
o TakingITGlobal
o The World Summit Awards
o Anna Lindh Foundation
o The Education Development Centre
· A presentation area, with a projector and seating, where various members of the Caucus will organize small events and presentations.
· A computer area, with four computers which can be used to showcase different projects, and good examples of youth-created e-content.
· A mural, created by a young Tunisian artist, adding vibrancy and color to the space
· An art gallery, presenting an exhibit entitled ‘Creative Change’ submitted by young people around the Millennium Development Goals.
· Video Projections of partners activities (SchoolNet Africa, Global Teenager Project, WSYA and National Youth Campaigns from Phase 1)
Several small activities and events will be held in the Youth Hub. Currently, the list includes:
· SchoolNet Africa/IICD reception to officially open and welcome people to the Youth in the Information Society space
· Anna Lindh sponsored brainstorming event on engaging EUROMED youth in the Information society and ICT4D sector
· EDC sponsored event on ‘Power users’ of Technology
· IICD sponsored event on the Global Teenager Project of SchoolNet Africa
· TakingITGlobal sponsored event on ‘Youth, MDGS and ICTs’
· TakingITGlobal/Microsoft sponsored event on Youth and Online Safety and Security
· TakingITGlobal and WSYA hosted reception to celebrate Youth Award winners
fallait aussi parler, même un tout petit peu, des effets collatéraux de la tornade...
tout le monde ne parle que de ca... pleins de jeunes tunisiens comme toi et moi se sont bcp depensé pour qu'a ce sommet les jeunes du monde soient present et qu'on n'oublie pas ceux des pays pauvres. et personne ne parle d'eux (pour l'instant).
Malheureusement les tornades ou plutot cyclone ne font bouger que les parties collaterales et l'oeil du cyclone reste malheureusement calme. ce sujet comme tant d'autres reste dans pour l'instant dans l'oeil du cyclone.
ou mahlena les jeunes comme toi et moi, sghayrin, bahin, aklin, metbassmin... chkoun kifna...