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Air France Quietly Launches New Lounge at Newark

Air France is making waves at Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) with a strategic move that caught many by surprise: acquiring the SAS lounge in Terminal B, now under Air France’s management. While the lounge still carries SAS branding, it already serves Air France's business-class passengers, providing seating, dining, and a much-needed relaxing space. By 2025, it's expected to reopen as a fully branded Air France lounge following significant refurbishments. This development comes after Air France's October 2024 announcement of a $13.4 million investment in a new Newark lounge. When I flew out of Newark in December, however, that vision had yet to materialize. My son and I were given $35 meal vouchers each, a temporary fix after Air France lost access to the British Airways lounge. While the vouchers helped, the lack of a dedicated space made it clear how important this upgrade was. Fast forward to February 2025, and the change is already noticeable. Upon checking ...
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Djerba: Is It Too Late to Save the Island of My Ancestors?

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A Post-UN World: Greenland, the Panama Canal, and the Collapse of Global Norms

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دروس الكورونا

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Global Health on Snapchat

I am wondering if we could use Snapchat as a tool to promote Global Health. So far it seems like an untouched territory but I can see a lot of potential in snapchat and the concept of stories in general. Many of us are doing exciting things around the world. Serving our people, talking to exciting scientists and decision makers and bringing change to remote parts of the world.  I wish I could see more of that on my timeline... I guess we have to start somewhere... So here is my Snapchat in case you are interested to connect or to follow my global health adventures...

Happy 40th!

10 years ago, I wrote this note for my 30th . Today, I am 40 years old and here I am reading what I wrote when I was 30... So much can happen in 10 years that it is hard to look back and remember everything. The feeling of forty is a feeling of reaching "adulthood"... or at least what I imagined adulthood to look like... Looking back at what happened in the last decade or even in the last 5 years, it is obvious that it is going to be hard to predict what will happen in the next decade. My priorities are however getting clearer: - Work as hard as I can - Stay healthy and adopt a healthy lifestyle - Be the best father I can be and take care of my family - Read more and get involved in my community Nothing very exciting as you can see but very important in my eyes...

تونس: كارثة الإيقاف التحفظي

الإيقاف التحفظي والايداع بالسجن قبل إصدار الحكم يجب ان يكون الاستثناء وليس القاعدة. هذا الإجراء المعمم بالمحاكم التونسية هو سبب اكتظاظ السجون(50%من السجناء هم مواطنين موقوفين ولا يوجد حكم ضدهم) وثابت علميا انه يؤثر على مجرى العدالة بشكل كبير ويؤثر سلبا على الأحكام فنادرا ما يحكم الموقوف بالبراءة او بمدة اقصر من التي قضاها تحفظيا . هذه الممارسات تسبب كوارث اجتماعية واقتصادية و تجعل المواطن يحقد على المنظومة القضائية و يحس بالظلم و القهر Pour s'approfondir dans le sujet: Lire L'etude du Labo démocratique intitulée :  "Arrestation, garde à vue, et détention préventive: Analyse du cadre juridique tunisien au regard des Lignes directrices Luanda"